Wellness and activity services for residents and care staff

A whole home approach to boosting the physical, emotional and mental health of those living
and working in care 

The leading provider of activities, wellness, content and training designed to boost happiness and quality of life for care home residents and staff.

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Our Wellness and Activity solutions can:

  • Provide an interactive platform of personalised and expert-led activity programmes for care home residents that are proven to boost happiness, community engagement and quality of life 

  • Give staff the tools they need, through professional training and development courses, to provide person-centred care that focuses on areas such as activities and wellbeing, leadership and creativity

  • Improve the physical wellbeing of care home residents 

  • Provide specialist wellbeing support for care staff 

  • Integrate into Person Centred Software’s Connected Care Platform so activities can be logged in care records and used for evidencing and tracking of outcomes 
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The Wellness and Activities services we offer:

Oomph! On-Demand Wellbeing and Activities Platform

Designed to help residents live a full life for life, the on-demand platform includes: 

  • Over 2,000 activity ideas for staff and residents 
  • Regular updates to content to ensure there is always something new to try 
  • 24/7, 365 days a year access to the platform through a single login 
  • Personalised content tailored to the unique preferences, interests and life stories of individual residents 

Wellbeing and Activities Training for Staff

Upskill and support staff according to their needs, learning and development goals and the changing needs of residents. There are a variety of different packages including the Wellness Essentials bundle, the Exercise Bundle, the Leadership Bundle, the Creativity Bundle, or staff can create their own bundle and tailor it to their exact learning and development requirements.  

Wellbeing Support for Care Staff

Designed by experts, the Teladoc myStrength app can be accessed 24/7, 365 days a year, and supports care staff’s emotional wellbeing, helping them to live a balanced life whilst caring for others, leading to a happier, more motivated and more engaged workforce. 

Connected Care

Person Centred Software offer a Connected Care Platform, which serves as a suite of integrated solutions covering the full journey of digital transformation within social care, driving outstanding care, outcomes and helps to improve lives in social care.

You can use one solution on its own, or you can use multiple solutions that connect, all through a single device. Each area focuses on a particular part of the care ecosystem and when used together, provide a complete solution to: 

  • Improving outcomes for residents

  • Improving the lives of care worker

  • Improving the overall efficiency, effectiveness and compliance of a care setting.  
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Our activity teams at Barchester Healthcare have actively used the weekly materials provided to them as they have been a great resource for extra support. We are currently producing weekly newsletters for our teams and the resources from Oomph! have supplemented the guidance and provided more opportunities and ideas to deliver meaningful engagement for our residents. In particular, the spring resources, nature tips, guided exercise sessions and quick wins have been accessed on a regular basis and our teams are taking full advantage of the support available to them.
Resident Experience Manager
Barchester Healthcare