You might already be aware, but in case you aren’t, Oomph! Wellness is now part of Person Centred Software!
Oomph! Wellness was acquired by PCS in January 2023. As a result, we are now able to develop more innovative solutions that will allow care providers to participate and engage in meaningful interactions and activities on a daily basis.
The regular activities calendar you download each month will still be available as usual, but we wanted to enhance our offerings by also suggesting some activities that we have hosted on our platform.
Our on-demand wellbeing and activities platform provides around the clock instant access to thousands of ideas, personalised activity plans, content, videos and much more.
We would love to show you around the platform, to book a short, non-obligatory demo with our amazing friendly specialist!
Join more than 1,800 care homes across the UK improving wellbeing with our trusted platform.