How our learning management system can guide your care staff through their learning journey

If a care setting is serious about upskilling staff and improving their knowledge and experience through training, then they need to invest in a learning management system. To ensure that learning and development goals are met in a care setting, it’s important that staff and managers are offered training programmes that cover the full range of knowledge areas within a care setting so that they can remain at the forefront of what it takes to deliver person centred care to residents. One of the best ways to provide this is through a learning management system.
A learning management system - like the one available from Person Centred Software, PCS LEARN – is essential for organisations that want to upskill their workforce and find the most efficient and cost-effective ways of delivering impactful and practicable learning, both online and in person.
What makes a learning management system like PCS LEARN so useful, especially in a care setting, is that it can help care settings track the progress of those taking the courses, and it can help you deliver tailored learning development programmes that can be specific to the training goals of an individual, alongside ensuring that the fundamental training in which everybody working in the home needs to take part is also undertaken.
With a learning management system, care settings can effectively manage the training progress of those working within the care home, and overall, it can provide far more effective, personalised and comprehensive learning opportunities to everybody working in care, rather than relying on one-size-fits-all training programmes.
Alongside other issues that compromise staff wellbeing, a lack of training and development is often cited as a reason for care staff leaving the profession, so investing in an LMS system like PCS LEARN not only helps to increase the knowledge and experience of the staff you have, leading to improved retention rates, but it also makes you a more attractive prospect to potential employees, thus increasing recruitment prospects.
Unlock learning with the PCS LEARN LMS
PCS LEARN offers a set of training courses that cover every aspect of wellbeing care: the Wellness Essentials Bundle, the Exercise Bundle, the Leadership Bundle, the Creativity Bundle and a Create Your Own Bundle, all available in a learning format that suits you. All the training bundles offered are CPD Certified.
Through personalised dashboards pre-loaded with learning pathways, reports on progress, a searchable library of resources and a team dashboard for managers, PCS LEARN strives to offer the type of training that best suits the individual goals and development of care staff.
As a part of the Connected Care Platform, PCS LEARN also offers induction sessions on how to use some of the products of our ecosystem of care products, such as care planning and medication management.
What’s included for care planning?
In addition to getting started with the digital care planning system, you will learn how to manage staff and service user accounts, how to use the handset as well as 8 mini modules on topics such as action plans, NFC tags, photo sharing, planned care, recording accidents and more.
What’s included for medication management?
When getting started with ATLAS eMAR, you will learn about keeping records up to date as well as medication handling and management.
How does our learning management system PCS LEARN work?
When a learner opens PCS LEARN, they are taken to the learning management system’s personalised dashboard, which is pre-loaded with learning pathways tailored specifically to them.
From a learner’s perspective, everyone that logs into PCS LEARN will be taken to this page first. The learning pathways at the top of the screen are assigned by the manager or the person responsible for care home administration.
On the dashboard you can get a snapshot of progress in training for the home – you can see the percentage of completion, how many modules are in progress, how many are expiring or overdue as well as how many are in a grace period, which means they haven’t been started yet but they still have time to be completed.
The learner will be able to see the assigned learning pathways and can click on each one to see which is an eLearning course and which is a face-to-face workshop. It will give the date for when the learner was enrolled onto each module and will show when it was completed, when it expires and what the status of the module is.
A handy feature of the dashboard is the trending box, which care homes can modify to suit their needs and use it to inform staff of, for example, upcoming events, themed weeks, important notices and more.
Each module has been expertly crafted to achieve specific learning outcomes that will ensure each staff member that is enrolled is in the best position possible to achieve their learning and development goals. This is also helpful for managers who are looking to pinpoint specific areas of training for staff, and so can see which learning outcomes will be achieved for each module, and then assign modules accordingly.
Also on this page, learners can gain access to all the course resources they will need and can book workshops for the modules and will be given all the information they need on when and where the workshop is taking place and who it will be run by.
Learning made simple with our LMS
As you can see, it is very easy for staff to undertake the learning at their own pace in a way that suits them, and it is simple for managers to see at a glance the progress of the training within their team.
Compliance with regulations
Home managers can make great use of the Training Record Report, which gives detailed breakdowns on the completion, expiry and enrolment information of staff undertaking courses. This information can be downloaded to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and can be used to evidence to regulators that the home is actively engaging in learning and development opportunities.
For example, it can be used to show compliance with the CQC’s regulation 18(2):
“Persons employed by the service provider in the provision of a regulated activity must—
18(2)(a) receive such appropriate support, training, professional development, supervision and appraisal as is necessary to enable them to carry out the duties they are employed to perform,
18(2)(b) be enabled where appropriate to obtain further qualifications appropriate to the work they perform”
An learning management system built to empower care homes
With the learning management system PCS LEARN, learning and development can be realised across the entire home. If you want to find out more about the impact PCS LEARN can have for your care home, just click below to book a consultation.